Friday, 10 August 2012

CSH ecology reports; Breeam ecology reports by Landvision UK

Landvision are advisors to Local authorities and the construction industry on CSH ecology and Breeam ecology surveys and reports. Through Code for Sustainable Homes ecology reports and Breeam reports, our recommendations can help you to obtain eco credits; points given for protecting, safeguarding or improving site ecology; as well as for optimising living space footprints and for saving energy. Organisations in the UK, USA and further afield are assessing the impact of their activities, that is, their impact on the planet.
In order to maintain healthy ecosystems, so that they can sustain life and provide raw materials, we need to understand ecosystems and how they work. Understanding ecology can help us to minimise and filter man's pollution, to recycle waste, to save precious resources such as water and energy and to safeguard the health of ecosystems, long term. Eco credits obtained through using ecology report advice by Landvision, help in maintaining healthy ecosystems for everyone, for long term healthy life on earth. To find out more ring Landvision UK on 01892 782200 & visit
Why do we need to do this? The natural environment in which we live is very fragile; without protection, it becomes degraded. Landscape and visual amenity is affected; where this occurs it is proven to have an effect on the health of communities. By protecting landscape ecology wherever practical, the natural environment is conserved for future generations to enjoy; the sounds and sights of wildlife, such as bird song and seasonal changes, such as autumn and spring colour enhance health and quality of life in communities. You have only to visit a woodland full of bird song to be able to witness this beneficial and calming effect at first hand.
By 2025, the use of energy by buildings will be the highest energy use; higher than any other category of "consumer." In USA in 2012; buildings represent 72% of energy use. 40% of the world's current output of raw materials goes into buildings; or 3 billion tons each year. Landvision are advisors to the construction sector, advising on how to save valuable resources by skilful design and landscape ecology techniques, such as SUDs. This will save money but also help to balance ecosystems in order to continue to sustain life on earth for the long term.
By looking at protecting site ecology and lowering our carbon footprints now, we can grasp this opportunity. If we can reduce our costs in the long term, in return for an investment now, then we can save almost 25 percent of costs by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 15 percent; (this is 100,000 tons per year.) This is worthwhile; not only will it save valuable resources for everyone, it will also save you money.
To obtain eco credits and reduce your costs, ask Landvision to do CSH ecology survey, or a Breeam ecology survey now. You will obtain valuable ecology advice, on ways of protecting and enhancing your site ecology which will save you time and money.
Visit to find out more; or ring 01892 782200 now to talk to our specialist team of experts.