Sunday, 15 November 2009

Festival of Interdependence 24/10/09

According to radical economists from the nef (New Economics Foundation) Autumn 2009 magazine, time to react to global warming is fast running out.

Climate change experts back this up; they calculate that there are only 100 months (from August 2009) before we pass a point beyond which runaway climate change becomes much more likely to happen.

The Festival of Interdpendance on 24th October, 2009 run by nef , has helped to highlight some of the ways in which we can begin to make small changes. It showed that if we can try to embrace this challenge of a call to action, we can bring about far reaching positive benefits for society as well as slowing climate change.

Social, economic , political and environmental challenges need to be addressed by the next government. The festival brought together thinkers, poets, artists, philosophers, musicians and activists.

Climate change challenges do not exist in isolation; they are interrelated to the social and economic fabric of our society, sometimes in intricate and unforeseen ways. This complexity highlights the need to react locally to the challenge of inter relating social, economic, political and environmental initiatives. It is an exciting time to be working in environment and to be an informed member of the voting public.

We should seek to unravel the tangle that the current economic systems are in, for the social and environmental benefit of all man kind. Equally, do not waste your opportunity to become involved yourselves, to act in a perhaps more socially, politically and environmentally sustainable and enlightened way. This involvement of more of us in our local communities will bring “win- win” results and establish a new status quo.

The clock is ticking. Don’t waste time, get involved with your local community.

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