Wednesday, 24 February 2010

What kind of a world are we going to leave for our children and granchildren to live in?

One with fewer and fewer natural resources? Even if we all want electric cars in a few years time, there will not be enough lithium on earth for the batteries...(C Marteson)A sobering thought. So, shall we continue consumption of oil at present rates (in the past 22 years we have used half the world's reserves...) until we are forced to expend 1 barrel of oil for every barrel extracted? If things carry on as they are at the moment, oil wells will need to drill to reserves deeper and deeper, making oil more expensive than ever. If we also fail to reinvest in wind/ solar power technology and other sustainable energy, we will continue running towards the solid wall of low/no oil in 20 years (or less). If however, we reduce our consumption of everything, if we learn to slow down and conserve our resources, we may be able to steer a way out of the present doldrums. Maybe inflation will limit our ability to buy them anyway.
Better to start now to try to control oil use. If we act as responsible Stewards, the world which we hand on to our children and their children will be a better conserved one.

Public and private spending needs to be reduced so that long term debts can be paid off. By building resilience in local communities and economies, food, fuel and energy green links, can be forged.

"we might also imagine that if we diverted money being spent on military expenditures into, say, high speed trains, wind farms, natural gas pipelines and distribution stations, and an upgraded electrical smart grid ...we'd get far more immediate and lasting economic benefit (and improved national security too, I might point out) than we would out of so-called "defense spending....
The cold economic truth is that we are slowly bankrupting our country.. we are spending our money on things that do not contribute to our collective long-term prosperity...” Chris Marteson

The same applies to the UK and many EU countries at the moment.
So, why aren't governments all around the world reacting, cutting defense and other short term spending? The answer is, we don't know...In fact, no one knows why...

The talk on peak oil yesterday in the House of Commons highlights the need for a long term approach.

We need to ask ;
What kind of a world do we want to leave for our children and grandchildren to live in?

You can send us comments or a query at;

More tomorrow..!

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